Joel Fleishman
This is the eighth and final installment in a series of reports on how The Avi Chai Foundation is going about completing its grantmaking by December 31, 2019. The eighth annual report, titled “Against …
Comments closedJoel Fleishman
This is the eighth and final installment in a series of reports on how The Avi Chai Foundation is going about completing its grantmaking by December 31, 2019. The eighth annual report, titled “Against …
Comments closedJoel Fleishman
For the past seven years, I have been chronicling the ongoing process of spend-down at AVI CHAI, a foundation located in Jerusalem and New York with programs in Israel, North America, and
With apologies to Shakespeare: Tell me, where is philanthropy bred? In the heart, or in the head? (See Merchant of Venice, Act III, scene 2.)
Less poetically: Should philanthropists follow the guidance of Duke Prof. Joel Fleishman and his co-author …
Comments closedFoundations that plan to operate for a limited time and then close (normally called “spend-down” foundations, though some dislike the phrase) often make an intriguing argument for why they prefer to operate under a deadline: They believe that a brief, …
Comments closedA curious duality governs the way observers of philanthropy and public affairs talk about money in politics. Donations that fuel one’s own causes constitute support for “policy advocacy,” “civic engagement,” “and community mobilization.” Donations …
Comments closedAre foundation officers more courageous risk-takers than other people? Some new research says: Evidently not. Then again, should they be?
Speaking at Duke last year, John R. Ettinger, CEO of the Helmsley Trust, shared some preliminary hypotheses about …
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