Balancing on a Wobble Board

Source: Alliance Magazine

Date: 2007

In September 2005, Impetus Trust and Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) embarked on a four-year co-investment in Naz Project London (NPL), an organization that provides sexual health and HIV prevention and support services to Black and minority ethnic communities. The investment package was to consist of a total of £275,000 core funding over the four years, plus some targeted capacity-building from both Impetus and CAF. An Alliance Online article published in March 2006 looked at the background of the co-investment and the experience of the first few months. How has NPL fared since then? While making progress on its programme aims, unanticipated shortfalls in funding have caused NPL some problems. On the consultancy side, a clear lesson has emerged: fewer consultants are needed, but they need to be better targeted to NPL’s needs and more engaged with the organization. This article is the second in a series of three projected articles that will track the relationship between NPL on the one hand and Impetus and CAF on the other. See also the case study titled "Case Study of a Venture Philanthropy Partnership: Setting the Scene."

Link: Balancing on a Wobble Board

Keyword: Field Building Partnership Strategy

Region: Europe