Carnegie Corporation and Russia: Grantmaking Amidst Transformation

Source: Carnegie Corporation of New York

Date: 2005

Since 1983, under the stewardship of two presidents, the Carnegie Corporation of New York has provided roughly $120 million to major projects aimed at fostering mutual understanding and engagement between the U.S. and the former Soviet Union, and at focusing policy, public, scientific and scholarly attention on the imperatives and opportunities for taming reckless policies and cementing closer bonds. As programmatic priorities evolved from addressing the most pressing challenges of averting nuclear war, to deepening and broadening cooperative security, to forging partnerships and building inroads for Russia’s integration with the West, the Corporation remained steadfast at promoting confidence building and closer interaction between the two leaderships and societies.

Link: Carnegie Corporation and Russia: Grantmaking Amidst Transformation

Keyword: Strategy

Region: Asia Europe Northern America