Converting a Comprehensive High School into Small Learning Communities: A Case Study of Mountlake Terrace High School
Source: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Date: 2002
To capture the benefits of small schools, a growing number of large traditional high schools are breaking into smaller units. Mountlake Terrace in Edmonds, Washington, is one example of a comprehensive high school converting into several autonomous small schools, which will exist within the same building. This paper is a case study of the initial stages of Mountlake Terrace’s change process and reflects a work in progress. Small schools research shows that youth in schools designed to serve 400 students or fewer have higher academic achievement, better attendance and graduation rates, more extracurricular involvement, and a better sense of belonging. But few examples exist of successful school conversions. As with other comprehensive school reforms, the conversion process is extremely complex. In order to provide a model for future school conversions, this paper recounts the first two years of Mountlake Terrace’s change process, examines how the staff dealt with its most difficult aspects, and provides general recommendations to schools, districts, and funders supporting conversions. Mountlake Terrace’s conversion process raised difficult questions about changes in leadership, the equitable distribution of staff and students among the new small learning communities and the use of school resources. The need to build buy-in and support among the staff, parents, students and district office posed more challenges. The most salient features of successful school change are reflected in the following lessons about decentralized control, a multi-level approach that engages the entire school community, and professional development that focuses on desired student outcomes. Mountlake Terrace’s experience provides example and insight into the process of enacting comprehensive change. Lessons highlighted in this case study are echoed by the research on school change. They can be applied to schools embarking on a conversion as well as the districts that house them and the funders who support them.
Keyword: Evaluation
Region: Northern America