When the Monitor Institute first started its exploration of the evolving “future of philanthropy” ten years ago, I was one of its funders, a program officer at the Packard Foundation. A big part of what we were
Category: Strategy
I want to thank my friends at Duke University for letting me serve as guest blogger on the Intrepid Philanthropist this past week. Offering unsolicited advice to the Friends of Buffett and Gates (FOBGs) as they consider
The same is true in philanthropy as in life: when we want answers, we tend to go to people we believe are the experts on a given topic. The more money we have at our disposal, the
It’s great news that Warren Buffett and Bill and Melinda Gates are asking their billionaire peers to give away half their wealth. To the extent that people heed the call, we could see the launch of several
I’d like to conclude my stint as an “Intrepid Philanthropist” by asking a question I have been putting for several years: Whatever became of the “learned foundation”? The term refers to a small number of the earliest
Tactical Philanthropy’s Sean Stannard-Stockton has written an interesting response to Peter Frumkin’s blog post “What Drives Philanthropic Success?” published on the Intrepid Philanthropist last week.
Barry Varela