Since publishing my book Strategic Giving, I have traveled around the country and abroad talking to foundation leaders and major individual donors about what strategy looks like in the world of philanthropy. I have developed over
Category: Strategy
“I fear the judgment of future generations,” former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is quoted as saying. “I fear their asking how can wealthy people, so aware of such suffering, so capable of acting, simply turn away?”
Two years ago, Mladen Jovanović, one of three founders of PROTECTA, a Serbian NGO, took my online executive program on strategic frameworks for NGO leaders. His analysis of the organization’s strategic challenges reflected the mission
In my recent article in Stanford Social Innovation Review, I coined the term “catalytic philanthropy” to describe the four key practices that FSG Social Impact Advisors consistently found among donors who achieved substantial impact on significant
The ever-growing complexity of our social sector, together with the power of the Internet and the disengagement of government, has created a decentralized model of social change. As a result, the linear logic models and theories of
The shift away from a philanthropic paradigm based on demonstration projects and government-sponsored replication has also fundamentally altered the role of evaluation in philanthropy.
In the past, evaluation may have been the lynchpin to scaling social impact