On June 6-7, 2012, the Center hosted a meeting in Washington D.C. for representatives of foundations that are in the process of spending down their assets.
The meeting grew out of work that Center faculty chair Joel
Category: Nonprofit Sector
For the past two years, the Center has been documenting the process of spend-down at two major foundations. Joel Fleishman has been following events at AVI CHAI and Tony Proscio those at The Atlantic Philanthropies.
Even under normal circumstances, it can be tricky for foundations to change a grantmaking strategy once it’s launched (hence all the learned writing on “mid-course correction” and “exit strategies,” which has provided a generation of consulting fees
For the past three years, I have been chronicling the ongoing process of spend-down at AVI CHAI, a foundation located in Jerusalem and New York with programs in Israel, North America, and the former Soviet Union. The
Center Faculty Chair Joel Feishman, with his coauthor Tom Tierney of the Bridgespan Group, has an article in today’s Fortune magazine online, titled “The New American Philanthropists: Will Their Billions Get Results?”
Barry Varela
“Depend upon it, Sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.” —Samuel Johnson, as reported by James Boswell in Life of Johnson.
With the publication of