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Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Foundation (1958–projected: one year after death of founder)

Total Assets (2013): $1,277,274

Total Assets (2001): $50,153,309[1]

Total Giving (2013): $1,401,564

Total Giving (2001): $10,662,246

Prominent Grants: Giving primarily in New York and Maryland. Prominent recipients include Johns Hopkins University, Museum of Modern Art, and the American Museum of Natural History.

Summary: Established in 1958 in New York.

Founded by the late Dorothy F. Cullman and her husband, Lewis B. Cullman. Mr. Cullman is credited in financial circles with being one of the first to employ a strategy of buying and selling companies that later became known as a “leveraged buyout” when he and two partners purchased the multi-million dollar Orkin Exterminating Company; a subsequent purchase of a desk calendar company evolved into At-A-Glance, the largest U.S. calendar and appointment book manufacturer.

The Foundation primarily gives in New York and Maryland. Grant-making is primarily in the areas of arts, higher education, museums, and performing arts.